The Orders page doesn't show the image/icon of the item you ordered so you have to click into each Invoice in order to see what was contained in that order and how many you ordered.
Re-Order page
show the image/icon of the item you previously ordered, but does not show how many you ordered last time (and the date, so you know how fast you've been running out).
I think this formatting should be improved to make it easier to re-order without having to toggle between Orders/Re-orders to get all the info you need. Orders page should show images/icons of your items (b/c for those who order frequently, nobody remembers what date they ordered what item). Re-Order page should show how many you ordered the last time (and the date, so you know how fast you went through them, which would perhaps indicate you need to order more this time around).
Ex: I wanted to re-order a sticker, but I needed to update the design slightly, so it wasn't a true "Re-Order". The Orders page couldn't tell me the info I needed without clicking in to every invoice, which took forever.