More clutch options for pins
Sticker Mule
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Custom Placement for Acrylic Pin Backers
Lisa Evanoff
I had an issue recently where I ordered 1" pins of a Planchette design of mine. Like a real Planchette there is a "hole" in the center towards the top where you can see through the pin. Unfortunately this is the exact place the pin backers are now placed so you can see the foam adhesive through the 'hole". My suggestion is custom pin backer placement or the option to have them delivered uninstalled so you can apply the pin backers yourself.
Sticker Mule
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Acrylic pins - clutch quality.
Cutter Matlock
Pin visual and production quality is great. Pin backing is an issue. It is comprised of 3 parts, a round "base" stuck to pin with double-sided tape = 1 failure point potential. Then the pokey pin itself is separately glued to said base and the glue point has seen a noticeable number of failures when the rubber clutch is removed. ANY pressure sideways or twisting on the pokey pin causes it to unglue from the base. In order to remove the rubber clutch, it requires either twisting or pressure, making the pokey pin (that's a scientific term today!) unglue easily. I see this on other websites with similar pins, so it isn't sticker mule specific, but you can be the ones to make it better! Manufacture a pokey pin assembly that is NOT a 2-part system of glued pokey pin to circle base then taped to acrylic. Surely the pokey pin and base could be moulded/manufactured as ONE metal piece and then glued or taped to the acrylic for only one potential fail point. Also as mentioned by others, offer a magnetic back option (usually an upcharge).
Madame Berry
Yes please. Some pin designs are large or oblong and would benefit from a second pin back to prevent rotation.