White Labe Mule Sauce
Joshua Christopherson
I ordered 6 bottles of Mule Sauce in a past order and after I got it I was looking at the bottle and wondered if you are able to alter the front logo on it at all? Can you put our company name and logo on the front in place of where it says by "sticker mule"? I would want it to just have our company name there. I noticed on the back they say distributed by sticker mule and also your website which Im totally cool with. Im just wanting to brand the front of it so when I give it out its got our company on it and its more of a marketing play.
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
Merged in a post:
Custom hot sauce bottles
Price Auguste
I would like to have my logo on your hot sauce. This would be great for advertising and a good gift to my customers. Let me know if you can accommodate this option. Custom labeled hot sauce.
Sticker Mule
Merged in a post:
Holographic effect for hot sauce labels
Eric Vessels
Add the ability to do custom labeled hot sauce with holographic labels!
Carson Joyner
- White Label Packets
- Access to 3d mockup with your design on a bottle for marketing purposes
- Lots of opportunity
Camden Boyd
Sticker Mule needs to update this one lol, this is now an option.
Sticker Mule
Merged in a post:
Hot Sauce Bottle
Steve Gregory
Love the idea of custom hot sauce label and bottle. But is it possible to show a picture of the label ON a real bottle so customers on my page can see it as a bottle of sauce and not just a label? I think it might alleviate any confusion. Thank you!
Moon Pumpkin
Custom hot sauce packets please!!!
Mathew Wilkinson
Same here! It makes complete sense!!
Andy VW
I came here to make the same suggestion. A custom labels / branding for your hot sauce is an epic idea
Karen Tenerowicz
I was wondering the very same thing. Will you be selling the Mule Sauce for private label, and you guys make great labels!!
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